SparkClean Innovations invites you to join as a Facility Maintenance Associate in Singapore. Be the backbone of workplace cleanliness. Apply now!

SparkClean's Invitation:

As a Factory Hygiene Technician, your role at SparkClean is crucial. Maintain waste disposal, sweep, and mop for a pristine workplace. Join us in the commitment to excellence!

The Essential Role

"Factory Maintenance Associate at SparkClean: Monthly Compensation $1900. Physical well-being, meticulousness, timeliness, and geographical suitability are key. Join us!

Job Description & Requirements:

Explore the benefits! Attractive monthly compensation ($1600-$1900), secure full-time position, and a chance to foster workplace cleanliness. Join SparkClean's team now!

Benefits & Salary:

Work with rhythm! Embrace a 5.5-day workweek from 8 AM to 5 PM. Join SparkClean for consistent hours and a fulfilling career. Apply now!

Operational Schedule:

Ready to make an impact? Apply as a Factory Cleaner at SparkClean. Sign up on the official website and be part of a team committed to cleanliness. Apply now!

How to Apply?