Seeking Refuge, Finding Hope: Canada’s Refugee Sponsorship Program
Canada has a long history of accepting refugees who are escaping conflict, persecution, and acts of violence in other nations. Through this program, Canadian people contribute directly to the process of resettlement. Sponsorship Agreement Holder (SAH) organizations are essential in helping refugees get the tools they need to start over under the Canada PSR program.
What is a Sponsorship Agreement Holder (SAH)?
Sponsorship Assurance Holders (SAHs) are trusted partners of Immigration, Refugees, and Citizenship Canada (IRCC), committed to sponsoring refugees. They boast a strong history of aiding newcomers and possess the necessary financial means for effective resettlement.
How Does SAH Sponsorship Work?
SAH organizations collaborate with the UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR) to select refugees meeting Canada’s criteria. Upon identification, SAHs support refugees financially for about a year and offer crucial settlement services.
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Benefits of SAH Sponsorship in Canada
- Safe Sanctuary: Canada, a refuge from conflict and persecution, assures safety and security.
- Economic Haven: Flourishing with a high standard of living, Canada presents vast opportunities.
- Resettlement Lifeline: SAHs play a pivotal role in supporting newcomers during their initial settlement phase.
- Permanent Pathway: Completion of the sponsorship program paves the way to attain permanent resident status in Canada.
Who Qualifies for SAH Sponsorship?
Only refugees referred by UNHCR and meeting Canada’s criteria, fearing persecution due to race, religion, nationality, political views, or social group membership, are eligible.
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How to Apply for SAH Sponsorship?
Refugees seeking sponsorship through the SAH program cannot apply directly. Visit the IRCC website for details and a list of participating SAH organizations. Or if you are interested in applying for the Canada sponsorship for refuges you need to apply by below:
FAQs on SAH Sponsorship
Is SAH sponsorship the only way to come to Canada as a refugee?
Canada extends support to refugees through both the Government-Assisted Refugees (GAR) program and Sponsorship Agreement Holder (SAH) initiatives, providing diverse pathways for eligible individuals seeking refuge.
What are the financial obligations of an SAH sponsor?
Sponsoring organizations ensure refugees receive essential support like shelter, sustenance, clothing, and medical care for a designated timeframe.
What kind of settlement support do SAHs provide?
SAH assistance encompasses language coaching, job aid, and guidance for integrating into Canadian society.
Discover a brighter future in Canada through SAH sponsorship programs. Welcoming refugees with hope and opportunity, take the first step to rebuild your life safely.